We attach great importance to respecting the privacy and personal data of our candidates, employees and site users. This privacy policy applies to the gathering and further processing of your personal data, collected during recruitment processes or when you visit the company’s website.
Personal data collected by the company.

As part of our recruitment process and search for new talent, the company collects information appearing in the candidate’s CV as well as the history of exchanges by telephone or during physical interviews. In order to ensure data accuracy, the company asks people in its “Candidates” database to update their CVs every two years, after which time the company deletes all information related to the person concerned.

About the “Cookies” we use

Our website uses “cookies” to collect information related to your visits: browsers used, traffic data, number of users, geographic data, operating systems used, devices used (PC, smartphone, tablets, etc.), web page preferences, browsing histories, the number of views of the pages visited, the number of clicks on a video, the addresses of websites previously visited if the Internet user clicked on a partner link (e.g.: a publication on a social network that led the Internet user to the site of one of our subsidiaries).

Collecting this information helps us improve the interactivity of our sites and services and thus facilitate your web user experience.

With your consent (given at the time of your first visit to the site), the company’s “Marketing and Communications” department collects this data strictly for marketing and statistical analysis purposes.

It is anonymised raw data that is processed by the company’s departments. In accordance with legal provisions, the collected data storage period is 13 months. Beyond this period, your consent will again be requested.

Find out more about cookies, how they work and how to block them (website of the French Data Protection Authority – CNIL).

Your rights

In accordance with Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning you. Your request should be addressed to

For right of access, rectification and/or opposition requests: we ask that you provide us with proof of your identity. If you are unable to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse access to your personal data. We make every effort to respond to these requests within the time limits required by law.


The security of the data collected is our company’s priority. Our main concern is to preserve the quality and integrity of your personal information.

We implement good IT security practices at all levels in order to protect our systems to the extent possible. Our employees who process your data also attend awareness raising sessions on personal data protection rules.


If you have any questions about this Data Protection Policy, please contact us at the following email address:


Client-First official starter project

This Client-First cloneable is the starter project for Finsweet's Client-First style system for Webflow.
This project contains a style guide page with utility classes that come with Client-First.
No pages, no layouts, no components. No styles to delete or update. Delete this message and get started.
Learn Client-First for Webflow with extensive documentation.